- Name: Yinchun Pang (ホウイハル)
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: +86 13265423108 | GV +1 9255265365 | +81 09018110554
- LinkedIn: azusachino
- Github: azusachino
- Birth: 1996.09.09
- Education: Changsha University of Science and Technology - Information Management and Information System (Bachelor) - 2014/09 – 2018/06
- Programming Languages: Java(JNI), Python, Golang, JavaScript, Rust
- Java Frameworks: Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Netty
- Misc Frameworks: gRPC, Mybatis-Plus
- Databases: MySQL, Redis, ELK, Prometheus
- Middlewares: Kafka, XXLJOB, Nacos
- DevOps: AWS, Git, Podman, Kubernetes
- IDEs: IDEA, VSCode, NeoVim
- Language: Chinese(Native), English(Working Proficiency - IETLS 6.5), Japanese(Conversation Proficiency - N1)
- Certification: AWS SAP
Working Experiences
iFLYTEK Co., Ltd
- Department: RTC Research Team
- Position: Backend Engineer
- Period: 2021.01 ~ Today